6 win znalazło się na liście win najchętniej kupowanych win grudnia
- Szczegóły

6 win znalazło się na liście win najchętniej kupowanych win grudnia
6 win Marani, z wysoką liczbą punktów oscylujących między 88-86, znalazło się na liście Wine Enthusiast najchętniej kupowanych win grudnia 2012.
Wine Enthusiast is the Internet's most extensive and user-friendly wine magazine that offers the wine lovers and professionals wine ratings throughout the world as well as wine features, tips for wine pairing and tasting and much more.
Wines labeled as Best Buys by WE mean each of them possesses an excellent quality-to-price ratio. The list is usually made up of wines that showcase the best relationship between score and price while also assessing other factors like availability and buzz.
This time WE chose the following of Marani wines as Best Buys for the December 2012 Buying Guide:
1. Telavi 2009 Marani Kondoli Vineyards Saperavi (Kakheti) (Score 88)
2. Telavi 2008 Marani Mukuzani Saperavi (Kakheti) (score 88)
3. Telavi 2010 Marani Rkatsiteli-Chardonnay (Kakheti) (Score 87)
4. Telavi 2008 Satrapezo Saperavi (Kakheti) (Score 87)
5. Telavi 2009 Satrapezo 10 Qvevri Rkatsiteli (Kakheti) (Score 87)
6. Telavi 2009 Marani Tsinandali White (Kakheti) (score 86).
This is another great step to quality acknowledgment of the Georgian Wines at the global wine market.
Wine Enthusiast is the Internet's most extensive and user-friendly wine magazine that offers the wine lovers and professionals wine ratings throughout the world as well as wine features, tips for wine pairing and tasting and much more.
Wines labeled as Best Buys by WE mean each of them possesses an excellent quality-to-price ratio. The list is usually made up of wines that showcase the best relationship between score and price while also assessing other factors like availability and buzz.
This time WE chose the following of Marani wines as Best Buys for the December 2012 Buying Guide:
1. Telavi 2009 Marani Kondoli Vineyards Saperavi (Kakheti) (Score 88)
2. Telavi 2008 Marani Mukuzani Saperavi (Kakheti) (score 88)
3. Telavi 2010 Marani Rkatsiteli-Chardonnay (Kakheti) (Score 87)
4. Telavi 2008 Satrapezo Saperavi (Kakheti) (Score 87)
5. Telavi 2009 Satrapezo 10 Qvevri Rkatsiteli (Kakheti) (Score 87)
6. Telavi 2009 Marani Tsinandali White (Kakheti) (score 86).
This is another great step to quality acknowledgment of the Georgian Wines at the global wine market.